Jun 4, 2009

Tiananmen 20th Anniversary

Time flies... it's been what? 20 years? since the Tiananmen Square incident? And my first visit to Beijing wasn't that long ago (well, it seems to have been 15+ years since!), well, was it?

Is China more 'democratic' than 20 years ago? Well, God knows! But it certainly is more capitalistic & more 'worldly' now than 20 years ago! Is it more open? Yes, it is. Do not interfere in its politics & you'll have a fantastic time in the country; in fact, in most Asian countries. What the Americans have not learned since 20 years ago is that be a gracious guest and not tell the host how to conduct its home business. That's how the rest of the world functions, like it or not. That's why America is America and the rest of the world is simply the rest of the world. Every country is different with a unique makeup (ie DNA) and reality. Yes, REALITY. The way to have a friend or a loved one commit to your cause is to be the best friend ever & not to be a boss! ;-)

Well, this is all coming from someone who's really not into politics. If you are interested in a real discussion, check out Kevin Lim's blog on How China is becoming a Giant Singapore.

Jun 3, 2009


The plane which went missing... still, after so many agony hours of searching. Well, it's been reported some have found the pieces of wreckage in the ocean. Poor souls. So many doctors & professionals. What a waste of talent, of life. & for many of their families, the agonies of not knowing why it happened the way it did & how much sufferings their loved ones have gone through during the final moments of their lives.

My heart goes out to those who are now living nightmares of losing their loved ones in such an unpredictable and sad way. May God have mercy on them!

May 31, 2009

Who is the winner of Britain's Got Talent?

Goodbye Susan, Diversity Wins it All!

It's time to say goodbye...
Susan Boyle, final rendition.
I Dream A Dream... She did it better the 2nd time round. BUT, & it's a very big but, she missed out on the top spot!

Diversity is the Winner! & yes, they deserve it too!!!
